How can you promote collaborative learning in class?

In my last workshop on PBL with teachers of TESOL and ELL in the beautiful Hobart, they were very eager to learn what kind of specific games and activities they could do to train their students in collaborative skills, that ultimately would help them succeed in PBL and probably in any future team work activity in their adult life.
Then I realized, that most of us teachers agree on the necessity to help students be able to cooperate better and in general create a "good vibes" atmosphere that promotes learning but many of us wonder how exactly.
Well, I believe many teachers have conscious or unconscious recipes for this, but I felt like posting some curated resources that may help you get a few more!
-An overview on CL features, with benefits and pitfalls too, less biassed than other sources:
-Very clear resource with concrete ideas on collaborative Learning games and methodology by the University of Cornell:
-CL games focussed on EAL learners but appliable in other areas of languages by the British Council:
-Some fun games to experiment in your class:
-A coprehensive article on CL and teaching a L2:
Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, and Interaction: Three Communicative Strands in the Language Classroom