Recording my heart


Task 1. Explore.
Reality tv is like a massive jungle full of surprises. Explore different points of view and perspectives and then talk and write about it. In this journey you will do many different activities, so it is key that you use the "draft book" to help you record your evolution, come back to former stages and eventually assess your achievements. You have to record all the activities you do in the project.
Dowload it here:
Draft book
1. First have a look at our Scoop it!, a customized online magazine where you'll find videos, articles by adults and teenagers, and online magazines about reality tv.
To make it an easy reading, don't miss this new online tool that gives you definitions just clicking on the word from the website itself, and also proposes difficult words by highlighting them: Professor Word
2. Write at least 10 opinions/comments that you found interesting from the Scoop it! space, don't forget to mention the sources and explain why you chose them. At least one of them must be from a resource you found by yourself, suggest it in the Scoop it! tab so as it will enrich the thematic magazine.
3. Share your ideas in pairs, and decide together which is the best of the ten comments from each of you. Share it in Edmodo. Then we will vote for the most interesting message of the class.
4. In groups, look at the quotations that you found and at the opinions from other students to make a list of expressions that are used to express your opinion about something. Share the list in Edmodo.
5. Now it is your turn! What do you think of reality tv shows? Speak your mind and try to avoid common places. Give examples, personal experiences, proposals. Use at least 5 expressions from the former activity. When you're finished, share it in Edmodo just writing a message. Minimum 100 words.
6. Read your colleagues' opinions and give them some feedback. Write about your agreement and disagreement with at least 2 classmates in Edmodo.

Task 2. Put the pieces together.
In Task 1 you learnt a lot about reality tv, so you are an expert in the topic now. You also practised some expressions to utter your opinion, hence you can move on and work on the structure. Fancy some training?
1. What are the main parts of an essay? Check this web. Share it in Edmodo.
2. Read these 5 steps to write an argument essay. Check the steps. Do you follow similar steps when you write an essay stating your opinion? What do you do differently? Share it in Edmodo.

Task 3. Try!
Apply what you learnt and write an article following the main parts of an essay and 5 steps. Share it in Edmodo.
The article should address this question:
Do you consider reality tv shows worth watching? Why? Give examples of good or bad shows.
To get inspiration from current reality tv shows you can always check out our Scoop it, search in the official web sites of specific shows and watch some of these videos selected for their originality or popularity.

Task 4. Observe.
Now that you have written your article's first draft, get it reviewed by others and be a reviewer yourself. Your essay will be assigned to 2 different classmates and your teacher, so eventually you will receive a total of 3 reviews for your article. At the same time, you'll have to review 2 articles.
All the reviews should be uploaded to Edmodo, so as everyone can see them. To avoid confusion, write just this when naming the file: reviewed_by_reviewer (juanlopez_by_carolinacastro)

Task 5. Show it to the world.
After reading all the comments you received, write the final version. Try to use a rich vocabulary (also address the topic vocabulary learnt in this project) and a wide variety of expressions. In addition to that, check the punctuation and spelling. Some very helpful tools that you can use while you're writing:
Thesaurus: use synonyms to avoid repetition and enrich the text.
Linguee: find the right word in English within a context.
Once you're finished we will have to discuss where should we publish it, go to Share.